Construction/Civil Engineering
Bunkers, Tailing Ponds, Waste treatment Civil Construction is a part of civil engineering that deals with planning, designing, constructing and maintaining physical structures as well as natural components.
Pipe Laying
Concrete, Fiber, HDPE, UPVC Pipe laying progresses with the lay vessel moving forward on its anchors. The pipe is placed on the seabed in a controlled S-bend shape.
Demolition Construction
Demolition is the dismantling, razing, destroying or wrecking of any building or structure or any part thereof. Demolition work involves many of the hazards associated with construction.
Structural Integrity Analysis/Inspections
Non Destructive Testing Structural integrity refers to the ability of a building to withstand loads, stresses, and environmental factors without collapsing or failing. Analyzing the structural integrity of a building is a crucial task for construction managers.