Rubber Liner

Rubber Lining is an application method used to protect multiple types of systems by lining corrosion and abrasion-resistant rubber upon the surface or inside of pipes and tanks.

Floor & Wall Coatings

Epoxies, Polyurethane, Micro – cement Coatings are tough, protective layers used in applications where heavy surface wear or corrosion is expected.

Corrosion treatments

They work by providing a barrier of corrosion-resistant material between the damaging environment and the structural material. The most common anti-corrosion treatments are: plating, painting, and the application of enamel

Cathodic Protection

A corrosion-control technology that involves making a metal surface the cathodic side of an electrochemical cell.

Foams & Polymers

Can be divided into either thermoplastics or thermosets, which are further divided into rigid or flexible foams. The thermoplastics can usually be broken down and recycled, while thermosets are harder to recycle because they are usually heavily crosslinked. environmentally friendly.


Grassing, Pavings, Kerbs any activity that modifies the visible features of an area of land.

Marine, Industrial and Residential Paints

Marine paints tend to have a higher solids content and other additives that help it resist the rigors of a marine-type environment. Industrial and Residential paint often has a urethane or epoxy base that might be a good option for items that are outside but sheltered from the worst of the weather.